Add Gateway

Introduction #

Adding a manual payment gateway allows users to make payments manually, which you can then verify and process. This is useful if an API gateway is not listed or if you prefer manual payment verification.

Usage Instructions #

Adding a Manual Gateway #

  1. Navigate to Add Gateway:
    • Go to the sidebar menu and click on Payment Gateway.
    • Select Add Gateway from the submenu.
  2. Fill in the Form Fields:
    • Gateway Name:
      • Required
      • Enter the name of the payment gateway.
      • This field should contain a maximum of 100 characters.
    • Account Number:
      • Required
      • Enter the account number associated with the payment gateway.
      • This can be the bank account number or any relevant identifier.
    • Status:
      • Required
      • Select the status of the gateway: Active or Inactive.
      • Active status means the gateway is available for use.
    • Crypto:
      • Required
      • Choose Yes if this gateway is for cryptocurrency payments; otherwise, select No.
      • This helps in categorizing the gateway correctly.
    • Select For Withdrawal Payment?:
      • Required
      • Select Yes if this gateway can be used for withdrawal payments by users. This allows users to withdraw earnings from your website using this method. Payments will need to be processed manually.
      • This enables the gateway for withdrawal transactions.
    • Logo:
      • Required
      • Upload a logo for the payment gateway. Use a PNG file with a transparent background and a lower size for optimal website performance.
      • Accepted formats: JPEG, PNG, JPG, SVG. Smaller logos help in faster loading times.
    • Instruction:
      • Required
      • Provide any instructions or descriptions for using this payment gateway.
      • This field is useful for adding any specific payment instructions or guidelines for the users.
  3. Save the Gateway:
    • After filling in all the required fields, click the Save button to add the manual payment gateway.

Important Notes #

  • Manual Processing: Payments through manual gateways require verification and processing by an administrator.
  • User Withdrawals: If selected for withdrawal payments, users can request withdrawals through this gateway, which you will need to process manually.
  • Optimal Logo Size: Use a small, transparent PNG logo to ensure faster loading times for your website.

By following these steps, you can effectively add and manage manual payment gateways for your users.

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