Customer Edit

This section allows you to edit the details of a customer registered on your Roboexchanger platform.

Customer Edit Page #

On the Customer Edit page, you can modify the customer’s details. Ensure that all required fields are completed and adhere to the specified validation rules.

Field Descriptions #

  • First Name: Required. Enter the first name of the customer.
  • Last Name: Required. Enter the last name of the customer.
  • Email: Required. Enter a unique email address for the customer. Must be a valid email format and not exceed 120 characters.
  • Telegram Chat ID: Optional. Enter the customer’s Telegram Chat ID.
  • Address: Optional. Enter the customer’s address.
  • City: Optional. Enter the customer’s city.
  • State: Optional. Enter the customer’s state.
  • Zip Code: Optional. Enter the customer’s ZIP code.
  • Gender: Optional. Select the gender of the customer (Male, Female, Other).
  • Newsletter: Optional. Indicate if the customer is subscribed to the newsletter.
  • Country: Required. Select the customer’s country.
  • Timezone: Optional. Select the customer’s timezone.
  • Verified Email: Optional. Indicate if the customer’s email is verified.
  • Verified Phone: Optional. Indicate if the customer’s phone number is verified.
  • Verified Document: Optional. Indicate if the customer’s documents are verified.
  • Verified Selfie: Optional. Indicate if the customer’s selfie is verified.
  • Phone: Required. Enter the customer’s phone number. Must start with “+” and include the country code.
  • Discount: Optional. Enter any discount applicable to the customer.
  • Birth Date: Optional. Enter the customer’s birth date in MM/DD/YYYY format.
  • Status: Required. Select the status of the customer (Active/Deactive).
  • Photo: Optional. Upload a photo of the customer. Must be in JPEG, PNG, JPG, or GIF format and adhere to the maximum file size specified in your settings.
  • Document File 1: Optional. Upload the first document file. Must adhere to the maximum file size specified in your settings.
  • Document File 2: Optional. Upload the second document file. Must adhere to the maximum file size specified in your settings.
  • Selfie File: Optional. Upload a selfie file. Must adhere to the maximum file size specified in your settings.
  • Verification Progress: Required. Enter an integer value representing the customer’s verification progress, ranging from 0 to 100.

Usage Instructions #

  1. Access Customer Edit Page:
    • Log in to the Roboexchanger admin panel.
    • Navigate to the Customer section.
    • Click on Customer List.
    • Locate the customer you wish to edit and click on the Edit button in the Action column.
  2. Edit Customer Details:
    • Update the customer’s details in the provided fields.
    • Ensure all required fields are filled out according to the validation rules.
    • Modify optional fields as necessary.
    • Enter the Verification Progress as an integer between 0 and 100.
  3. Save Changes:
    • After updating the necessary information, click the Save or Update button to save the changes.

By following these instructions, you can effectively edit the details of a customer registered on your Roboexchanger platform.

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