Social & Contact Settings

The Social & Contact Settings allow you to provide links to various social media and contact platforms where customers can interact with your business. These settings help enhance your online presence and provide multiple channels for customer support and engagement. Below are the detailed descriptions and instructions for configuring each setting.

  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter
  3. Skype
    • Description: The link to your Skype contact.
    • Required: Yes
    • Example: “skype:YourSkypeName?chat”
    • Field: Skype Link
  4. WhatsApp
  5. Telegram
  6. YouTube
  7. Viber
    • Description: The URL to your Viber contact.
    • Required: Yes
    • Example: “viber://chat?number=YourPhoneNumber”
    • Field: Viber Link
  8. Bits Media
  9. VK
  10. Pinterest

Configuration Instructions #

  1. Facebook Page Link:
  2. Twitter Page Link:
    • Navigate to the Settings Menu.
    • Select Social & Contact Settings.
    • Enter your Twitter profile URL in the Twitter Page Link field.
    • Example: “
  3. Skype Link:
    • Navigate to the Settings Menu.
    • Select Social & Contact Settings.
    • Enter your Skype link in the Skype Link field.
    • Example: “skype:YourSkypeName?chat”
  4. WhatsApp Link:
    • Navigate to the Settings Menu.
    • Select Social & Contact Settings.
    • Enter your WhatsApp link in the WhatsApp Link field.
    • Example: “
  5. Telegram Link:
    • Navigate to the Settings Menu.
    • Select Social & Contact Settings.
    • Enter your Telegram link in the Telegram Link field.
    • Example: “
  6. YouTube Link:
  7. Viber Link:
    • Navigate to the Settings Menu.
    • Select Social & Contact Settings.
    • Enter your Viber link in the Viber Link field.
    • Example: “viber://chat?number=YourPhoneNumber”
  8. Bits Media Link:
  9. VK Link:
    • Navigate to the Settings Menu.
    • Select Social & Contact Settings.
    • Enter your VK profile URL in the VK Link field.
    • Example: “
  10. Pinterest Link:

By configuring these social and contact links, you provide your customers with various ways to interact with and reach out to your business, enhancing engagement and support on your Roboexchanger platform.

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