Notification Settings

The notification settings allow you to configure how your platform sends notifications to users and administrators. Notifications can be sent via email, SMS, or Telegram, depending on the configured options. These settings ensure that important events are promptly communicated. Below are the detailed descriptions and instructions for configuring each notification setting:

Email Notification #

  • Description: Configures email notifications for various events. Each option can be enabled or disabled as needed.

Email for New Exchange #

  • Description: Sends an email notification when a new exchange is initiated.
  • Options: Yes/No
  • Example: Select “Yes” to receive email notifications for new exchanges.

Email for Reserve Request #

  • Description: Sends an email notification when a reserve request is made.
  • Options: Yes/No
  • Example: Select “Yes” to receive email notifications for reserve requests.

Email for New Login #

  • Description: Sends an email notification when a new login occurs.
  • Options: Yes/No
  • Example: Select “Yes” to receive email notifications for new logins.

Email for New Payment #

  • Description: Sends an email notification when a new payment is made.
  • Options: Yes/No
  • Example: Select “Yes” to receive email notifications for new payments.

Email for Withdrawal #

  • Description: Sends an email notification when a withdrawal request is made.
  • Options: Yes/No
  • Example: Select “Yes” to receive email notifications for withdrawals.

Email for Verification #

  • Description: Sends an email notification for account verification.
  • Options: Yes/No
  • Example: Select “Yes” to receive email notifications for account verification.

Telegram API Settings #

  • Description: Configures the settings for sending notifications via Telegram.

Telegram Bot API Token #

  • Description: The API token for the Telegram bot. Follow Telegram’s official documentation to create a bot and obtain the token.
  • Required: Yes
  • Example: “123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11”

Admin’s Telegram Chat ID for Alert Notification #

  • Description: The chat ID for the admin to receive Telegram notifications. Follow Telegram’s official documentation to get the chat ID.
  • Required: Yes
  • Example: “123456789”

Telegram Notification #

  • Description: Configures Telegram notifications for various events. Each option can be enabled or disabled as needed.

Telegram for New Exchange #

  • Description: Sends a Telegram notification when a new exchange is initiated.
  • Options: Yes/No
  • Example: Select “Yes” to receive Telegram notifications for new exchanges.

Telegram for Reserve Request #

  • Description: Sends a Telegram notification when a reserve request is made.
  • Options: Yes/No
  • Example: Select “Yes” to receive Telegram notifications for reserve requests.

Telegram for New Login #

  • Description: Sends a Telegram notification when a new login occurs.
  • Options: Yes/No
  • Example: Select “Yes” to receive Telegram notifications for new logins.

Telegram for New Payment #

  • Description: Sends a Telegram notification when a new payment is made.
  • Options: Yes/No
  • Example: Select “Yes” to receive Telegram notifications for new payments.

Telegram for Withdrawal #

  • Description: Sends a Telegram notification when a withdrawal request is made.
  • Options: Yes/No
  • Example: Select “Yes” to receive Telegram notifications for withdrawals.

Telegram for Verification #

  • Description: Sends a Telegram notification for account verification.
  • Options: Yes/No
  • Example: Select “Yes” to receive Telegram notifications for account verification.

SMS Notification #

  • Description: Configures SMS notifications for various events. Each option can be enabled or disabled as needed.

SMS for New Exchange #

  • Description: Sends an SMS notification when a new exchange is initiated.
  • Options: Yes/No
  • Example: Select “Yes” to receive SMS notifications for new exchanges.

Important Considerations #

  • Performance Impact: Enabling multiple notification methods for the same event can slow down the system. For example, if you enable email, SMS, and Telegram notifications for a new exchange, the system will send three notifications, which can affect performance.
  • Recommendation: Choose your notification options wisely to balance system performance and the need for notifications. It is recommended to enable only the most critical notifications.

Configuration Instructions #

  1. Email Notifications:
    • Navigate to the Settings Menu.
    • Select Notification Settings.
    • Enable or disable each email notification option as needed:
      • Email for New Exchange
      • Email for Reserve Request
      • Email for New Login
      • Email for New Payment
      • Email for Withdrawal
      • Email for Verification
  2. Telegram API Settings:
    • Navigate to the Settings Menu.
    • Select Notification Settings.
    • Enter the Telegram Bot API Token and Admin’s Telegram Chat ID for Alert Notification.
  3. Telegram Notifications:
    • Navigate to the Settings Menu.
    • Select Notification Settings.
    • Enable or disable each Telegram notification option as needed:
      • Telegram for New Exchange
      • Telegram for Reserve Request
      • Telegram for New Login
      • Telegram for New Payment
      • Telegram for Withdrawal
      • Telegram for Verification
  4. SMS Notifications:
    • Navigate to the Settings Menu.
    • Select Notification Settings.
    • Enable or disable the SMS for New Exchange option.

By configuring these notification settings, you can ensure that you and your users are informed about important events related to exchanges, account activities, and transactions, enhancing communication and the overall user experience on your Roboexchanger platform.

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