General Settings

To access the General Settings in your Robo Exchanger platform, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Menu option.
  2. Navigate to Settings.
  3. Select General Settings.

This will take you to the configuration options where you can customize various aspects of your platform.

  1. Website Title:
    • This is the name of your website or company. It will appear prominently across your site, so choose a clear and memorable title.
  2. Site URL:
    • The site URL is the web address where users can access your platform.
    • Make sure it follows the format and ends with a trailing slash /.
  3. Currency Code:
    • Select the default currency code for your platform.
    • This code is essential for transactions and withdrawals.
    • Examples include USD (US Dollar), EUR (Euro), or BTC (Bitcoin).
  4. Currency Sign:
    • Choose the corresponding currency sign for the selected code.
    • It appears alongside amounts and helps users recognize the currency.
    • For USD, the sign is “$”; for EUR, it’s “€.”
  5. Default Timezone:
    • Set the default timezone for new user sign-ups.
    • Users’ local time will be adjusted based on this setting.
  6. Timezone System:
    • Decide between “Automatic” and “Manual”:
      • Automatic: Grabs the user’s device timezone.
      • Manual: Displays the user’s selected timezone from their profile.
  7. Default Country:
    • When users sign up, their country settings are automatically saved.
    • This helps tailor the experience based on their location.
  8. Uploaded File Max Size:
    • Specify the maximum file upload size (in kilobytes).
    • Keep it reasonable to prevent security vulnerabilities.
  9. Signup Option:
    • Enable or disable the signup button on your website.
    • If enabled, users can create accounts; if disabled, the button won’t appear.
  10. Login Option:
    • Similar to signup, enable or disable the login button.
    • Control user access to the platform.
  11. Homepage Exchange List Limit:
    • Determine how many exchange data entries to display on the homepage.
    • Consider balancing visibility with page load speed.
  12. Review Per Page Limit:
    • Set the number of reviews to show per page in the Review section.
    • Pagination ensures a manageable display.
  13. Manually Reviews Approve:
    • Enable this feature to manually approve reviews before they appear.
    • If disabled, reviews will automatically display.
  14. Review Maximum Length:
    • Specify the maximum character length for reviews.
    • Prevent excessively long or short reviews.
  15. Blog Post:
    • Enable or disable the blog section on your website.
    • Share news, updates, or informative content.
  16. Blog Per Page:
    • Set the pagination limit for blog posts per page.
    • Helps organize content for readers.
  17. Notification UI:
    • Choose between “Default” (Bootstrap notifications) and “Sweet Alert.”
    • Customize how notifications appear in the admin panel.
  18. Breadcrumb Design:
    • Select either “Clean” (simple) or “Color” (colored) breadcrumb style.
    • Breadcrumbs enhance navigation for users.

Feel free to adjust these settings according to your preferences. If you need further assistance, don’t hesitate to ask! 😊

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