Admin Delete

Table of Contents

This section allows you to delete an existing admin user from your Roboexchanger platform.

Admin Delete #

To delete an admin user, follow these steps:

  1. Access Admin List:
    • Log in to the Roboexchanger admin panel.
    • Navigate to the Admin section.
    • Click on Admin List.
  2. Locate the Admin User:
    • In the Admin List table, find the admin user you want to delete.
    • The table displays the following columns for each admin user:
      • First Name
      • Last Name
      • Email
      • Join Date
      • Status
      • Action (Edit/Delete)
  3. Delete the Admin User:
    • In the Action column, click on the Delete button next to the corresponding admin user.
    • A confirmation window will pop up with the message, “Are you sure?”
    • Click on Okay Got It to confirm the deletion.
    • If you change your mind, click on Nope, Cancel It to cancel the deletion.

Warning #

Once an admin user is deleted, the information cannot be recovered. Ensure that you want to delete the admin user before confirming the deletion.

Notes #

  • Deleting an admin user is permanent.
  • Make sure to review the admin user’s details carefully before proceeding with the deletion.
  • Only users with the necessary permissions should be allowed to delete admin users to avoid accidental deletions.

By following these steps, you can safely and effectively delete an admin user from your Roboexchanger platform.

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