Configure WebMoney

Overview #

To set up and configure WebMoney as a payment gateway, follow these steps. This configuration will allow you to integrate WebMoney for receiving payments on your platform.

  1. Access the Payment Gateway Section:
    • From the sidebar menu, click on Payment Gateway.
    • Select API Gateway List from the submenu.
  2. Configure WebMoney:
    • In the list of API gateways, locate the WebMoney card.
    • Click on the Configure button to open the configuration settings.

Form Fields #

Fill in the following field to configure WebMoney:

  • Wallet / WMZ ID: Required. Enter your WebMoney Wallet ID (WMZ ID).

URL Configuration #

Upon accessing the configuration settings for WebMoney, you will see the Success URL and Fail URL.

  1. Copy the URLs:
    • Copy the Success URL and Fail URL provided.
  2. Update WebMoney Settings:
    • Paste these URLs into your WebMoney account settings to enable proper communication and transaction updates.

Security #

All entered data is encrypted to ensure security and privacy. Only authorized personnel can access this information.

Usage Instructions #

  1. Go to Payment Gateway Section:
    • From the sidebar menu, navigate to Payment Gateway.
    • Click on API Gateway List.
  2. Configure WebMoney:
    • Locate the WebMoney card and click on Configure.
  3. Copy Success/Fail URLs:
    • Copy the provided Success URL and Fail URL.
  4. Update WebMoney Account:
    • Log in to your WebMoney account and paste these URLs into the appropriate settings for payment notifications.
  5. Fill in the Form Fields:
    • Wallet / WMZ ID: Enter your WebMoney Wallet ID (WMZ ID).
  6. Save Configuration:
    • After filling in the required field, click on the Save button to save the configuration.

Conclusion #

Configuring WebMoney as a payment gateway allows for a seamless and secure method for customers to make payments. Ensure that all the entered information is correct and that the URLs are properly set in your WebMoney account to maintain the integrity and functionality of the payment process.

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