Edit Manual Gateway

Overview #

The Edit Manual Gateway page allows administrators to modify the details of an existing manual payment gateway. This includes updating the gateway name, account number, status, and other relevant information.

Usage Instructions #

  1. Go to Manual Gateway List:
    • From the sidebar menu, click on Payment Gateway.
    • Select Manual Gateway List from the submenu.
  2. Edit Gateway:
    • Locate the gateway you wish to edit in the list.
    • In the Action column, click on the Edit button next to the corresponding gateway.

Form Fields and Descriptions #

When editing a manual gateway, you will see the following form fields:

  1. Gateway Name:
    • Description: Enter the name of the payment gateway.
    • Example: “Bank Transfer” or “PayPal”
    • Requirement: This field is required.
  2. Account Number:
    • Description: Provide the account number associated with the payment gateway.
    • Example: “123456789” or “[email protected]
    • Requirement: This field is required.
  3. Status:
    • Description: Select the status of the gateway.
    • Options: Active or Inactive
    • Requirement: This field is required.
  4. Crypto:
    • Description: Indicate whether this gateway is for cryptocurrency transactions.
    • Options: Yes or No
    • Requirement: This field is required.
  5. Select For Withdrawal Payment:
    • Description: Specify if this gateway can be used for withdrawal payments.
    • Options: Yes or No
    • Requirement: Optional, but important if you want users to withdraw funds via this gateway.
  6. Logo:
    • Description: Upload a logo for the payment gateway. The logo should be in PNG format with a transparent background and a small file size for better performance.
    • Requirement: This field is required.
  7. Instruction:
    • Description: Enter any specific instructions or descriptions related to the gateway.
    • Example: “Please include your order ID in the bank transfer notes.”
    • Requirement: This field is required.

Saving Changes #

  1. Review the Information:
    • Ensure all required fields are filled out correctly.
    • Verify the accuracy of the provided information.
  2. Click Save:
    • After filling in all the necessary details, click the Save button to update the gateway information.
  3. Confirmation:
    • A confirmation message will appear indicating that the gateway has been successfully updated.

By following these steps, you can easily edit and update the details of an existing manual payment gateway to ensure it meets your requirements and provides accurate information for your users.

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