Manual Gateway List

Overview #

The Manual Gateway List allows administrators to view, manage, and update manual payment gateways. This section provides a comprehensive overview of all the manual payment gateways that have been added to the system.

Usage Instructions #

  1. Navigate to Manual Gateway List:
    • Go to the sidebar menu and click on Payment Gateway.
    • Select Manual Gateway List from the submenu.

Understanding the Table #

The Manual Gateway List displays the following columns:

  1. Gateway:
    • This column shows the name of the payment gateway.
    • It helps identify the different gateways available for manual payments.
  2. Account Number:
    • Displays the account number associated with the payment gateway.
    • This can be a bank account number or any other relevant identifier used for manual payments.
  3. Withdrawal:
    • Indicates whether the gateway is enabled for withdrawal payments.
    • Yes/No status shows if users can use this gateway to withdraw earnings from your website.
  4. Crypto:
    • Indicates whether the gateway is for cryptocurrency payments.
    • Yes/No status shows if this is a crypto payment gateway.
  5. Status:
    • Displays the current status of the gateway: Active or Inactive.
    • You can toggle the status by clicking the switch button. This allows you to enable or disable the gateway as needed.
  6. Updated At:
    • Shows the last update timestamp.
    • This helps track the last modification date and time for each gateway.
  7. Action:
    • Provides options to Edit or Delete the gateway.
    • Clicking Edit allows you to modify the gateway details.
    • Clicking Delete allows you to remove the gateway from the list.

Example Usage #

  1. Changing Gateway Status:
    • To enable or disable a gateway, simply toggle the switch in the Status column.
  2. Editing a Gateway:
    • Click on the Edit button in the Action column to update gateway details such as the name, account number, or instructions.
  3. Deleting a Gateway:
    • Click on the Delete button in the Action column to remove the gateway from the list.
    • A confirmation prompt will appear to ensure you want to delete the gateway.

By following these instructions, you can efficiently manage your manual payment gateways, ensuring they are up-to-date and properly configured for your users.

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