Reserve Request Delete

Overview #

The Reserve Request Delete functionality allows administrators to permanently remove a reserve request from the system. This action is irreversible and will delete all associated information related to the reserve request.

Usage Instructions #

  1. Access Reserve Request List:
    • Navigate to the Reserve Request List from the sidebar menu.
  2. Locate Reserve Request to Delete:
    • Find the reserve request you want to delete in the list.
  3. Initiate Delete Action:
    • In the Action column corresponding to the reserve request, click on the Delete button.
  4. Confirmation Prompt:
    • A confirmation dialog box will appear, asking “Are you sure you want to delete this reserve request?”.
  5. Confirm Deletion:
    • If you are sure you want to proceed with the deletion, click on the “Yes, Delete” or “Okay Got It” button to confirm.
  6. Cancel Deletion:
    • If you decide not to delete the reserve request, click on the “Nope, Cancel It” or “Cancel” button to abort the deletion process.

Important Notes #

  • Irreversible Action: Deleting a reserve request is permanent and cannot be undone. Exercise caution before confirming deletion.
  • Data Loss: Upon deletion, all associated information and records related to the reserve request will be permanently removed from the system.
  • Review Before Deletion: Ensure that you have selected the correct reserve request for deletion to avoid accidental removal of important data.

By following these instructions, administrators can effectively manage reserve requests by deleting unnecessary or outdated entries from the system.

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