Reserve Request Create

Overview #

The Reserve Request Create page enables administrators to create reserve requests for customers. Reserve requests are made when a customer requests to reserve a certain amount of currency. This page provides a form to input customer details, currency, amount, status, and additional comments.

Usage Instructions #

  1. Access Reserve Request Creation:
    • From the sidebar menu, navigate to Reserve Request and select Reserve Request Create from the submenu.
  2. Fill in the Form Fields:
    • Customer: Choose the customer from the customer list. You can search for customers by name, email, or phone number. Alternatively, select “New Customer” if the customer is new.
    • Customer Email: If the customer is not selected from the list, enter the customer’s email address.
    • Customer Phone: If the customer is not selected from the list, enter the customer’s phone number.
    • Currency: Select the currency for which the reserve request is being made.
    • Amount: Enter the amount of currency to be reserved.
    • Status: Choose the status of the reserve request. Select “Confirmed” if the reserve is already made, or “Pending” if the reserve will be made later.
    • Comment: Add any additional comments or notes related to the reserve request.
  3. Submit the Request:
    • After filling in the necessary details, click on the Submit or Save button to create the reserve request.

Important Notes #

  • Confirmation: Ensure that all details are accurately filled before submitting the reserve request.
  • Status Selection: Choose the appropriate status based on whether the reserve is confirmed or pending.

By following these instructions, you can efficiently create reserve requests for customers in your system.

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