Review List

The Review List page displays all customer reviews in a tabular format. This page allows administrators to view, manage, and delete customer reviews, as well as change their status (Active/Inactive).

Usage Instructions #

  1. Navigate to the Review List:
    • From the sidebar menu, click on Review to view the Review List.
  2. View Customer Reviews:
    • The reviews are displayed in a table format with the following columns:
      • Customer: This column displays the name of the customer who submitted the review. It helps identify who gave the feedback.
      • Rating: This column shows the rating provided by the customer, usually on a scale (e.g., 1 to 5 stars).
      • Review: This column contains the text of the customer’s review. It provides detailed feedback from the customer.
      • Status: This column indicates whether the review is active or inactive. You can change the status by toggling the switch. An active review is visible on the front end, while an inactive review is hidden.
      • Action: This column contains the Delete button, allowing you to remove a review from the system.

Important Notes #

  • Changing Status: Toggling the status switch will immediately change the visibility of the review on the front end of the website.
  • Deleting Reviews: Deleting a review is a permanent action. Once a review is deleted, it cannot be recovered. Make sure to confirm before deleting.

By following these instructions, you can effectively manage customer reviews on your platform, ensuring that only appropriate and useful feedback is displayed.

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