Country List

Overview #

The Country List section displays all the countries currently added to the system. This list provides essential details about each country and allows you to manage them efficiently.

Table Fields Description #

  • Name: This column displays the name of the country. It represents the commonly known name of the country.
  • Country Code: This column shows the unique code assigned to the country, typically the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code (e.g., US for the United States).
  • Official Name: This column contains the official name of the country, as recognized internationally or by the country itself.
  • Region: This column indicates the geographical region where the country is located. Possible values include Africa, Asia, Central America, Europe, Middle East, North America, Pacific, and South America.
  • Status: This column shows whether the country is currently active or inactive in the system. The status can be toggled by clicking the switch button.
    • Active: The country is active and can be used in the system.
    • Inactive: The country is inactive and cannot be used in the system.
  • Action: This column provides options to edit or delete the country entry.
    • Edit: Click the Edit button to modify the country’s details.
    • Delete: Click the Delete button to remove the country from the system.

Usage Instructions #

  1. Navigate to the Country Section:
    • From the sidebar menu, click on Country.
  2. View the Country List:
    • You will see a table displaying the list of all added countries.
  3. Change Status:
    • To change the status of a country, toggle the switch button in the Status column. This will activate or deactivate the country.
  4. Edit Country:
    • In the Action column, click on the Edit button next to the country you wish to modify. This will take you to the Edit Country page where you can update the country’s details.
  5. Delete Country:
    • In the Action column, click on the Delete button next to the country you want to remove. A confirmation window will pop up asking, “Are you sure?” Click on Okay Got It to delete or Nope, Cancel It to cancel the action.
    • Warning: Once deleted, the information cannot be recovered.

By understanding each field and following these instructions, you can effectively manage the countries in your system.

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