Add Country

The Add Country feature allows you to include new countries in the system with specific details such as name, code, official name, and region. This functionality ensures that all country-related data is accurately recorded and managed.

Country List Overview #

Upon navigating to the Country section, you will see a list of all currently added countries. Each entry includes:

  • Country Name
  • Country Code
  • Country Official Name
  • Region
  • Status (Active/Inactive)
  • Actions (Edit/Delete)

Usage Instructions #

Adding a New Country #

  1. Navigate to the Country Section:
    • From the sidebar menu, click on Country.
    • You will be directed to the Country List page.
  2. Initiate the Add Country Process:
    • In the upper right corner of the Country List page, click on the Add Country button.
  3. Fill in the Form Fields:
    • Country Name: Enter the name of the country. This field is required and must be unique.
    • Country Code: Enter the country code. This field is required and must be unique.
    • Country Official Name: Enter the official name of the country. This field is required.
    • Region: Select the region the country belongs to from the following options: Africa, Asia, Central America, Europe, Middle East, North America, Pacific, South America. This field is required.
    • Status: Set the status to Active or Inactive. This field is required.
  4. Submit the Form:
    • After filling in all the necessary information, click on the Save button to add the new country.

By following these steps, you can successfully add new countries to your system, ensuring that all relevant information is correctly entered and validated.

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