The Timezone List feature allows administrators to view, manage, and edit the list of timezones supported by the Roboexchanger system. Each timezone entry includes detailed information such as the name, country, and status. Administrators can also edit or delete timezone entries as needed.
Timezone List Overview #
Upon accessing the Timezone List, you will see a table displaying the following columns:
- Name: The name of the timezone, such as “Africa/Abidjan”.
- Country Name: The name of the country associated with the timezone.
- Country Code: The country code, which is typically a two-letter ISO code.
- Timestamp: The UTC offset for the timezone, such as “+06.00”.
- Status: Indicates whether the timezone is active or inactive. You can toggle the status by using the switch button.
- Action: Provides options to edit or delete the timezone entry.
Usage Instructions #
Viewing Timezones #
- Log In to Admin Dashboard:
- Use your administrator credentials to log in to the admin panel.
- Navigate to Timezone List:
- From the sidebar menu, click on Timezone.
- Review Timezone Entries:
- The table displays all available timezones along with their details.
Changing Timezone Status #
- Locate Timezone:
- Find the timezone you want to activate or deactivate.
- Toggle Status:
- Click on the switch in the Status column to change the status from active to inactive or vice versa.
Editing a Timezone #
- Locate Timezone:
- Find the timezone you want to edit in the list.
- Click on Edit:
- In the Action column, click the Edit button for the corresponding timezone.
- Update Timezone Details:
- Modify the necessary fields such as Name, Country Name, Country Code, and Timestamp.
- Save Changes:
- Click the Save button to apply the updates.
Deleting a Timezone #
- Locate Timezone:
- Find the timezone you want to delete in the list.
- Click on Delete:
- In the Action column, click the Delete button for the corresponding timezone.
- Confirm Deletion:
- A confirmation window will appear. Click on Okay Got It to proceed with the deletion or Nope, Cancel It to cancel the operation.
Warning #
- Data Loss: Deleting a timezone will permanently remove it from the system. Ensure that you no longer need the timezone before proceeding with deletion.
- No Recovery: Once deleted, the timezone entry cannot be recovered.
By following these instructions, administrators can effectively manage the list of timezones, ensuring accurate time settings for all users of the Roboexchanger system.
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