FAQ Delete

The FAQ Delete function allows administrators to permanently remove an existing FAQ from the system. This action should be used cautiously as deleted FAQs cannot be recovered.

Usage Instructions #

  1. Log In to Admin Panel:
    • Log in to the Roboexchanger admin panel using your administrator credentials.
  2. Navigate to FAQ List:
    • Go to the FAQ section.
    • Click on FAQ List to access the list of existing FAQs.
  3. Select FAQ to Delete:
    • Find the FAQ you want to delete in the list.
    • Click on the Delete button in the Action column for the corresponding FAQ.
  4. Confirm Deletion:
    • Review the confirmation prompt.
    • If you are sure you want to delete the FAQ, click on the Okay Got It button to proceed with the deletion.
    • If you wish to cancel the deletion, click on the Nope, Cancel It button to abort the operation.

Confirmation Prompt #

After clicking the Delete button, a confirmation prompt will appear to ensure that the administrator intends to proceed with the deletion.

Warning #

  • Loss of Data: Once deleted, the FAQ and its associated information will be permanently removed from the system.
  • No Recovery: Deleted FAQs cannot be recovered. Ensure that you want to permanently remove the FAQ before proceeding.

By following these instructions, administrators can safely delete unwanted FAQs from the system, ensuring that only relevant and accurate information is available to users.

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