Customer Block

The Customer Block function allows administrators to restrict a customer from accessing their user dashboard. This action deactivates the customer’s status and prevents them from logging in.

Block Customer #

  1. Access Customer Profile:
    • Log in to the Roboexchanger admin panel.
    • Navigate to the Customer section.
    • Click on Customer List.
    • Locate the customer you wish to block and click on the Profile button in the Action column.
  2. Block Customer:
    • On the Customer Profile page, you will see the Block User button.
    • Click on the Block User button.
    • A pop-up window will appear, providing a textarea field for the block reason.
    • Enter the reason for blocking the customer in the textarea field.
    • Press the Block User button to confirm the action.

Result of Blocking #

  • Login Restriction: The blocked customer will no longer be able to log in to the user dashboard.
  • Status Update: The customer’s status will automatically be set to deactivated.

Usage Instructions #

  1. Log In to Admin Panel:
    • Log in to the Roboexchanger admin panel with your administrator credentials.
  2. Navigate to Customer List:
    • Go to the Customer section.
    • Click on Customer List.
  3. Access Customer Profile:
    • Find the customer you want to block in the list.
    • Click on the Profile button in the Action column next to the respective customer.
  4. Block Customer:
    • On the Customer Profile page, click the Block User button.
    • In the pop-up window, enter the block reason in the textarea field.
    • Confirm the block by pressing the Block User button.

By following these steps, you can block a customer on the Roboexchanger platform, preventing them from accessing their account and deactivating their status.

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