Admin List

This section provides an overview of all admin users on your Roboexchanger platform and allows you to manage them.

Admin List Table #

In the Admin List, you will find a table displaying the following columns:

  • First Name: Displays the first name of the admin user.
  • Last Name: Displays the last name of the admin user.
  • Email: Displays the email address of the admin user.
  • Join Date: Displays the date when the admin user joined.
  • Status: Displays the status of the admin user (e.g., active, inactive).
  • Action: Provides options to Edit or Delete the admin user.

Usage Instructions #

  1. Access Admin List:
    • Log in to the Roboexchanger admin panel.
    • Navigate to the Admin section.
    • Click on Admin List.
  2. View Admin Details:
    • The Admin List table will display the details of all admin users, including:
      • First Name
      • Last Name
      • Email
      • Join Date
      • Status
  3. Edit an Admin:
    • In the Action column, click on the Edit button next to the corresponding admin user.
    • This will take you to the Admin Edit page where you can update the admin’s details.
  4. Delete an Admin:
    • In the Action column, click on the Delete button next to the corresponding admin user.
    • A confirmation window will pop up asking, “Are you sure?”
      • Click on Okay Got It to delete the admin.
      • Click on Nope, Cancel It to cancel the deletion.

Table Columns #

  • First Name: The first name of the admin user.
  • Last Name: The last name of the admin user.
  • Email: The email address of the admin user.
  • Join Date: The date when the admin user joined.
  • Status: The current status of the admin user (active or inactive).
  • Action: Options to Edit or Delete the admin user.

Notes #

  • Deleting an admin user is permanent and cannot be undone. Be sure you want to delete the admin before confirming.
  • Use the Edit function to update admin details as needed.

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