Custom Code Settings

Custom Code Settings #

The Custom Code Settings allow you to integrate various custom codes into your Roboexchanger platform, such as Google Analytics tracking, chat widgets, custom JavaScript, and CSS styles. Below are detailed descriptions and instructions for configuring each custom code setting.

Google Analytics #

  • Description: Integrates Google Analytics tracking code to monitor website traffic and user interactions.
  • Field: Google Analytics
  • Instructions: Paste your Google Analytics tracking code into this field.

Chat Code #

  • Description: Integrates chat widgets or live chat code for real-time communication with users.
  • Field: Chat Code
  • Instructions: Paste your chat widget code into this field.

Manual Code in Head Section #

  • Description: Allows manual insertion of custom code into the HTML head section of your website.
  • Field: Manual Code in Head Section
  • Instructions: Paste any custom code you want to include in the HTML head section here.

Custom JavaScript #

  • Description: Enables the inclusion of custom JavaScript code to enhance website functionality.
  • Field: Custom JavaScript
  • Instructions: Paste your custom JavaScript code into this field.

Custom CSS Style #

  • Description: Allows the addition of custom CSS styles to customize the appearance of your website.
  • Field: Custom CSS Style
  • Instructions: Paste your custom CSS styles into this field.

Configuration Instructions #

  1. Google Analytics:
    • Navigate to the Settings Menu.
    • Select Custom Code Settings.
    • Paste your Google Analytics tracking code into the Google Analytics field.
  2. Chat Code:
    • Navigate to the Settings Menu.
    • Select Custom Code Settings.
    • Paste your chat widget code into the Chat Code field.
  3. Manual Code in Head Section:
    • Navigate to the Settings Menu.
    • Select Custom Code Settings.
    • Paste any custom code you want to include in the HTML head section into the Manual Code in Head Section field.
  4. Custom JavaScript:
    • Navigate to the Settings Menu.
    • Select Custom Code Settings.
    • Paste your custom JavaScript code into the Custom JavaScript field.
  5. Custom CSS Style:
    • Navigate to the Settings Menu.
    • Select Custom Code Settings.
    • Paste your custom CSS styles into the Custom CSS Style field.

By configuring these custom code settings, you can seamlessly integrate external tools, scripts, and styles into your Roboexchanger platform, enhancing functionality, tracking, and customization options.

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